Ajax Filters
The Ajax Filters extension provides easy filtration of products in the category and search pages when clicked on the filters in layered navigation. The extension improves the user experience by providing an Ajax-based filtering system that is faster and more efficient than the default Magento filtering system.
Description about the extension
The Ajax Filters extension provides easy filtration of products in the category and search pages when clicked on the filters in layered navigation. The extension improves the user experience by providing an Ajax-based filtering system that is faster and more efficient than the default Magento filtering system.
Why do Ajax Filters?
The extension reduces server load by using Ajax to load only the products that are being filtered, rather than loading all products in the category or search results.
Key Benefits
- This extension supports in both category and search pages.
- Can enable/disable this extension for specific pages like category page and search page in admin configurations.
- All the filters click will work with filtering the products without the need of page reload.
Frontend and Admin Screen:
The Ajax Filters option can be used in the following sections,
Category Page
This extension works when clicked on any filters in the layered navigation in the category pages and search pages , please the attached screenshot of the clicking in the filters.

Search page listing
In the search page also, the working of this extension is the same as in the category page.
Admin Configuration
For changing this extension use such as Enabling and Disabling , please find this path here as in the screenshot to do so.
Go to Stores->Configuration->Catalog->Catalog->Ajax Filters.

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